Hard Last Chaos User Agreement

The Hard Last Chaos portal (hardlc.com), hereinafter referred to as the Administration, invites you, hereinafter referred to as the "Users", to conclude this Agreement on the following:

1. General Provisions

1.1. In accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Administration provides a range of entertainment services and activities (Services) aimed at organizing and supporting the Process with the participation of Users.
1.2. In the interests of underage or partially capable Users, the Agreement can be concluded only by their legal representatives (parents, guardians, etc.), trustee. Such person must obtain and maintain such consent throughout the term of the Agreement. The Administration may at any time require such consent of legal representatives, and it must be provided to the Administration. If it is not provided, the User will lose the opportunity to use the Service. In addition, the use of the Service may be suspended / terminated by the Administration at the request of parents or other legal representatives.
1.3. When passing the Registration Procedure in the manner provided for in clause 2.15. of the Agreement, the User confirms his consent to conclude this Agreement without any reservations and sends his application for an agreement with the Administration. The specified application is recognized as sent from the moment of successful completion of the Registration Procedure. The Administration after consideration of the specified application notifies the User of the conclusion (not the conclusion) of this Agreement in the manner provided for in clause 2.15. Agreements. From the moment the Administration confirms the conclusion of the Agreement, this Agreement is considered to have entered into force.
1.4. If the legislation of the state on whose territory the User is located contains restrictions and / or prohibitions on the use of services provided in accordance with this Agreement, the User is solely responsible for non-compliance with the requirements of such legislation.

2. Terms used in the Agreement

2.1. Agreement - an agreement on the provision of Services (this document), including any Annexes to it, as well as information posted by the Administration on the Administration's Resources and regulating the legal relations of the parties regarding the use of the Service, the rights and obligations of the User in connection with participation in the Process, as well as information describing the Service, incl. its rules, conditions, restrictions.
2.2. Appendix - a document related to the Agreement and being its integral part.
2.3. User - an individual who has passed the Registration Procedure in the Service and entered into this Agreement with the Administration by joining it, provided that he is a party to the current Agreement in relation to the Client, the text of which is posted on the Administration's Resources and is an annex to the Agreement, as well as a party to the Agreement to use the Service.
2.4. The Game Client is the software required to use the Service.
2.5. Process Rules - the Rules for Participation in the Process (Appendix No. 2), which contain information and information about the Service, including possible (permissible) and inadmissible ways to use the Service, about the possible consequences of violation of the Process Rules. The Process Rules are posted on the Administration Resources. Compliance with these Rules ensures the proper functioning of the Service, serves the purposes of the security of the User and other participants in the Process, and is a prerequisite for the User's participation in the Process.
2.6. Service Rules - Service Use Rules, which are contained in Appendix No. 1 to the Agreement.
2.7. Process - a set of actions and relationships between Users and / or the Administration when using the Service in accordance with its purpose, conditions, Service Rules and Process Rules.
2.8. Login and Password are two unique sets of characters created by the User when registering on the Service or when completing the Registration procedure in another way (clause 2.15) and for his subsequent identification when using the Service. The login and password in the aggregate are recognized by the Parties as an analogue of the User's handwritten signature when concluding the Agreement and / or issuing notifications, transferring information, etc. within the framework of the Agreement. The User has the right to choose and use a unique Password for the Service.
2.9. Registration data - information about the User provided by him during the registration procedure on the Administration Resources, including, but not limited to: Login, Password and mobile phone number of the User. They are used in the execution of the Agreement to identify the identity of the User who provided the Login and Password, and are mandatory. Providing the required Registration Data is an essential condition for concluding the Agreement; the provision of other registration data in accordance with the optional fields of the registration form is an essential condition for identifying the User's identity when executing the Agreement. The mobile phone number provided by the User must be unique and cannot be specified as the Registration Data of other Accounts.
2.10. Services/Services - a set of entertainment services provided by providing access to the Service via the Internet, aimed at organizing and supporting the Process, the description of which is contained in clause 3.1 of the Agreement. The period of validity (period of availability), the conditions for the provision of the Services are determined on the Resources of the Administration, and are also established by this Agreement.
2.11. A personal account is a method of fixing payment and statistical information, as well as data on mutual settlements made by the User through the Service, on the services provided to the User, on the amount of advance payments not spent by the User and other information that is essential for the Parties. The personal account has a unique number (account ID) and is directly linked to the Login.
2.12. User Account — a method of fixing statistical, accounting and other information that serves to identify the User in the Process. The Account is directly linked to the User Login and Personal Account.
2.13. Service - an online platform designed to provide Users with the opportunity to create and manage a Personal Account on the terms established by the Service and this Agreement, and available on the Internet at https://hardlc.com
2.14. Administration Resources - https://hardlc.com and all domains of the following levels related to the Resources.
2.15. The registration procedure is a set of actions of an individual necessary for the conclusion of this Agreement. The registration procedure is carried out through the Service. The registration procedure without fail includes (but is not limited to) the following steps:
1) Acquaintance with the agreement to use the Service.
2) Entering reliable Registration data, choosing a Login and Password and Accepting the Agreement for the use of the Service.
3) Agree to the terms of this Agreement (confirmation of agreement with the User Agreement is carried out by putting a checkmark next to "I have read and agree to the Terms of Use").
4) The conclusion of the Agreement and the entry into force of the Agreement upon confirmation by the Administration of the possibility of the User's participation in the Process. If the Administration rejects the application of a person wishing to conclude this agreement and/or a license agreement for the Client, the said agreement is not considered concluded and the said person does not get the opportunity to participate in the Process.
2.16. A month is 30 consecutive calendar days.
2.17. Services - when using this term, the parties mean both Services and Additional Services.

3. Description of the Services

3.1. In accordance with this Agreement, the Administration provides the following Services:
1) Users' access to information, other materials, results of intellectual activity posted on the Administration's Resources for the purpose of viewing, reading, listening, etc.;
2) organization of information exchange between Users aimed at the implementation of the Process;
3) organization and support of the Process.
3.2. The Administration provides Users with access to the Services exclusively on the Administration's Resources. All other methods of obtaining access to the Services by Users are recognized as illegal actions that violate the provisions of this Agreement.
3.3. In order to improve the Process, the quality of the provision of the Services, ensure operability and proper functioning, the Administration carries out work related to the maintenance of software, databases, equipment or the improvement of the Services. During the period of such work, the Services are not provided by the Administration. The Administration also has the right to restrict (terminate) the User's access to the Services for up to 7 days to conduct technical checks. Notification of such work is posted by the Administration 1 hour before they are carried out on the Administration's Resources and / or at http://hardlc.com . In exceptional cases, the notification time may be reduced. The user undertakes to independently familiarize himself with such information.

4. Rights and obligations of the Administration

4.1. The Administration undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the Registration Data and other data about the User, except as provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation and/or this Agreement.
4.2. The Administration undertakes to provide the User with the opportunity to receive information about changes in the Agreement and its Annexes, the list, procedure and conditions for the provision of the Services in accordance with Section 8 of this Agreement.
4.3. The Administration undertakes to ensure the proper quality of the Services, incl. by carrying out technical work (clause 3.3 of the Agreement).
4.4. The Administration reserves the right to take any measures that do not contradict applicable law to restrict or terminate access to the Services of persons who violate the terms of this Agreement.
4.5. The Administration has the right to delete and / or change any data, information, results of intellectual activity posted on the Administration's Resources, including by Users.
4.6. If the Registration Data provided by the User is unreliable, missing, or there is reason to believe that the Registration Data is unreliable, and the Administration is not provided (provided incompletely) with information to identify the User, access to the Services is not provided. The User is liable for losses arising from such violations.
4.7. The Administration is not obliged to provide evidence confirming the validity of the application of sanctions provided for by this User Agreement and / or its individual Annexes, in case of violation by the Users of the terms of this agreement, as well as its individual Annexes.
4.8. Administration in order to protect the rights to the results of intellectual activity, obtain statistical data, fulfill its obligations to the Copyright Holder and the User, as well as to ensure security (prevention of "hacks", hacker attacks, etc.) and the correct operation of the Service and software and software -hardware necessary for proper functioning, has the right to use technical means and methods to protect the results of intellectual activity, information, including with the help of the Client. The Administration has the right to receive information about the geographical location of the User in order to determine the location of the User: within or outside the territory of the Russian Federation, about the computer used and its components, etc. The User hereby confirms his consent to receive the specified information by the Administration.

5. Rights and obligations of the User

5.1. The User has the right to use the Services only personally, without deriving any material benefit (both direct and indirect, for example, from selling in-game items to third parties, using third-party software), to satisfy his gambling passion.
5.2. If, prior to completing the Registration Procedure by an individual, a word or other combination of characters that the User assumes as a Login has already been used as a Login by another User, or a mobile phone number is already indicated in the Registration Data of another Account, the individual creates a different Login that is unique , and indicates a different mobile phone number. Otherwise, the Account will not be created, access to the Services will not be provided. The name of the character to participate in the gameplay must also be unique. The choice of the name of the character to participate in the gameplay is carried out in the same order as described above.
5.3. The User has the right to create no more than 8 characters to participate in the gameplay, related to one Account. The number of characters for Users may be reduced at the discretion of the Administration due to the technical characteristics of the Game, which is reflected in the game interface.
5.4. When passing the Registration Procedure, the User undertakes to provide reliable, complete and up-to-date information by filling out the registration form on the Administration Resources. If the grounds arise, the User undertakes to immediately make changes to the Registration Data. When registering and creating a Login and a character name, the User undertakes:
1) do not use as a Login and a character name or their parts a symbol (combination of symbols) that calls for racial, national, religious, social, political hatred, has pornographic content or violates generally recognized norms of morality and morality;
2) not to use as a Login and a character name or their parts a symbol (combination of symbols) containing information of an advertising nature, as well as means of individualization of third parties, names, surnames, patronymics of other persons;
3) not to use as a Login and a character name or their parts a symbol (combination of characters) containing the results of intellectual activity of third parties whose consent to use such results as a Login and/or character name has not been obtained by an individual;
4) do not use numbers and letters repeated more than twice (this restriction applies only to creating a character name);
5) check the availability of the Services;
6) ensure compliance with the terms of the Agreement (including annexes to it);
7) provide accurate and complete Registration Data, verify the accuracy of the provided Registration Data and, if it changes, provide up-to-date Registration Data. All responsibility for failure to provide Registration Data, provision of false Registration Data or failure to provide updated Registration Data, including the losses caused by this, lies with the User. In these cases, the cost of the Services rendered is not refundable, regardless of whether the Services were accessed or not.
5.5. The User undertakes to comply with the Rules of the Game Service, the Rules of the Game Process posted on the Administration's Resources and which are part of this Agreement, as well as to comply with other requirements of the Administration for participation in the Game Process posted on the Administration's Resources to avoid blocking. If this condition is not met, Additional Services and Services are not provided again. The User confirms that he is fully acquainted with and agrees with the Rules of the Game Process and the Rules of the Game Service. By entering into this Agreement, the User confirms his acceptance of the provisions of the Agreement, the Rules of the Game Service and the Rules of the Game Process in full without any exceptions, and confirms that he undertakes to comply with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, the Rules of the Game Service and the Rules of the Game Process.
5.6. The User undertakes to comply with the intellectual rights specified in section 7 of this Agreement, including by guaranteeing compliance with clause 3.4. present agreement. In addition, the User guarantees that when using the Services, the rights of third parties will not be violated, incl. intellectual, and all data (information, results of intellectual activity) will be placed on the Administration's Resources lawfully.
5.7. When using the Services, the User may not:
1) modify or create any derivative works based on the Service or any of its elements (including audiovisual content), incl. translation or localization;
2) copy elements of the Service;
3) create on the basis of the Service and / or its elements derivative works, composite works, without the written permission of the Administration, incl. shoot movies, create graphics, etc.
4) decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to extract the source code of the software that is part of the Service;
5) distribute, complicate, sell, sublicense, use the software that is part of the Service on time-sharing computers with multi-terminal access, or in any other way transfer rights to such software;
6) remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright or other titling, lettering, symbols or marks of the Service and/or any element thereof;
7) copy, broadcast, distribute, publish or otherwise use information and / or results of intellectual activity posted on the Administration's Resources without the written permission of the Administration;
8) use software errors (and is obliged to immediately report them to the Administration at: [email protected]), interfere with the program code, gain unauthorized access to a computer system, gain access to the database of users of the game or materials without the proper permission of the Administration;
9) create additional elements of the Service, both not provided for, and provided for by its object code and script;
10) transfer rights and / or obligations under this agreement, incl. transfer to third parties the right (opportunity) to use the user account, to access the Services, unless otherwise expressly approved by the Administration;
11) take any actions aimed at causing damage to the Administration Resources, obtaining unauthorized opportunities (access) to the Administration Resources.
5.8. The User is obliged, if it is necessary to perform any actions related to the use of the Services, to make sure that he enters into legal relations with an authorized representative of the Administration. Each authorized representative has a special distinctive sign, the description of which is available on the Administration Resources.
5.9. The User is obliged to independently ensure the non-disclosure (secrecy) of the data stored in the account, including the Password, and is responsible for non-storage and disclosure of credentials in any way. In case of loss of control over the Login and Password, the User undertakes to immediately notify the Administration about this at: [email protected], indicating all the Registration Data as of the date preceding the date of the User's request (the data must be documented at the request of the Administration), and confirm their consent to delete the User Account. In this case, the Administration, after considering and evaluating such a request from the User and the information provided by him, has the right to take appropriate measures, including deleting the Account, after which the User has the right to re-create the Account and conclude the Agreement. If the Administration does not receive this notification, the User is solely responsible for all the consequences associated with the loss of control over the Login and Password.
5.10. The User hereby agrees to receive advertising messages from the Administration and / or view advertising when using the Services without any additional notices.
5.11. The User is not entitled to assign his rights and obligations under this Agreement to third parties either on a reimbursable or free of charge basis (including temporarily providing access to his Account and/or personal account to third parties). The use of the User Account by other persons, in addition to the User himself, the Registration Information about which was provided during the Registration procedure, is not allowed and is a material violation of this Agreement.
5.12. The User guarantees the Administration that he has the right to use the means chosen by him to pay for the Services, without violating the applicable law and / or the law of another country of residence of the User. The Administration is not responsible for possible damage to third parties and / or other Users caused as a result of the User's use of means of payment that do not belong to him.

6. Disclaimer of warranties

The User understands and agrees that:
6.1. The User uses the Administration Resources at his own risk. The Service is provided by the Resources "as is".
6.2. The administration does not guarantee that:
1) resources will meet the requirements of the User;
2) the service on the Administration's Resources will be provided continuously, quickly, reliably and without errors;
3) the results that may be obtained using the Services will be accurate and reliable;
4) the quality of information, data, drawings, etc. posted on the Resources will meet the User's expectations;
5) in the course of participating in the Game process, the User will be able to successfully complete all the game tasks provided for by the Game.
6.3. The administration is not responsible for causing any direct or indirect damage that occurred through no fault of its own due to:
1) use or inability to use the Administration's Resources or the information posted on them;
2) unauthorized access to the User's personal information;
3) statements or conduct of any third party on the Administration's Resources.
6.4. No data posted on the Administration's Resources by third parties can be considered as a reliable and / or official source of information. The Administration is not responsible for indirect losses or other costs that the User may incur as a result of using such information.
6.5. The Administration is not responsible for temporary technical failures and interruptions in the provision of the Services, for temporary failures and interruptions in the operation of communication lines, other similar failures, as well as for malfunctions of the computer from which the User accesses the Internet.
6.6. The User (his legal representatives, trustee) agrees to independently control the state of health and not use the Services / limit their use if there are any contraindications.
6.7. The Administration is not responsible for the illegal actions of third parties impersonating the Administration, incl. for unauthorized receipt by the Administration of any data of the User (Registration data, etc.), which is entered by the User in connection with the execution of this Agreement, participation in the Game process. The User undertakes to immediately notify the Administration about such actions (or the threat of their commission).

7. Intellectual rights

7.1. All exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity lawfully placed on the Administration's Resources (text, images, multimedia materials, program codes and other objects of copyright) belong to the Copyright Holder or the Administration.
7.2. All trademarks (service marks) and other means of individualization (including trade names, logos, trademarks, slogans) lawfully placed on the Administration's Resources belong to their rightful owners. All other rights, not explicitly indicated as belonging to third parties, belong to the Administration or the legal owners of such rights.
7.3. The User agrees that any information lawfully posted on the Administration's Resources belongs to the Administration, regardless of who posted it. The User confirms that any actions with such information, as well as its use, are possible only with the written consent of the Administration in the manner prescribed by the Administration, unless otherwise provided by applicable law.
7.4. This Agreement does not grant the User any exclusive rights to intellectual property posted on the Administration's Resources, unless otherwise expressly provided for a specific element of the Service in the manner prescribed by law (in this case, all rights not expressly granted are considered not transferred to the User).

8. Other conditions

8.1. All annexes, amendments and/or additions to this Agreement are its integral part.
8.2. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction. This agreement is governed by the laws of the Russian Federation and / or applicable international treaties and agreements (conflict of laws rules do not apply). All disputes arising under this Agreement must be referred to the court at the location of the Administration.
8.3. Other matters not covered by this Agreement are governed by applicable law.
8.4. Recognition by the court of any provision of this Agreement as invalid or unenforceable does not entail the invalidity or unenforceability of other provisions of the Agreement.
8.5. Under any circumstances, the responsibility of the Administration in accordance with applicable law is limited to the cost of paid and improperly rendered (not rendered) Services.
8.6. The Parties are released from liability for full or partial failure to fulfill obligations if such failure is caused by force majeure (“force majeure”), that is, extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances by the Parties under these conditions. To them, incl. riots, decisions of public authorities, natural disasters, fires, catastrophes, power outages, global outages in the operation of relevant segments of the Internet, failures of routing systems, failures in the distributed domain name system, failures caused by hacker and DDOS attacks. If it is impossible for the Parties to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement for more than 2 (two) months, the Parties have the right to terminate this Agreement without compensation for possible losses.
8.7. All notices and Information during the term of the Agreement may be sent by the User in the manner provided for in clause 5.8, and also, additionally, in electronic form to the email address [email protected], or to the postal addresses specified in section 9 of this Agreements. If the Administration provides the User with the opportunity to send notifications and Information through the Service or through the Administration's Resources, the User has the right to send such notifications and Information in the proposed manner, subject to the mandatory identification of the User. At the same time, the Administration has the right to receive from the User any additional confirmations, information and information (including from Registration Data) in order to make a decision regarding the User's application.
8.8. All electronic documents (Information), notifications and declarations of intent issued or executed remotely in the manner provided for in clause 8.7. and other clauses of this Agreement are recognized by the Parties as duly committed in writing.
8.9. The Administration has the right to unilaterally extrajudicially refuse to execute this Agreement in whole or in part, including by limiting and/or refusing to provide all or part of the Services. A notice of such refusal is posted by the Administration on the day the Administration refuses to execute the Agreement, unless otherwise provided by this Agreement or the said notice. The user undertakes to independently familiarize himself with all notifications on a daily basis.
8.10. The Administration has the right, in accordance with applicable law, to suspend the provision of the Services by blocking (deleting) the User Account in case of a material violation of the provisions of this Agreement. The Administration also has the right to demand unilateral termination of the Agreement with subsequent reimbursement of losses at the expense of the User, notifying the User of such termination on the day of termination. The Parties unconditionally recognize as a material violation the violation by the User of the provisions of the following clauses of the Agreement: 1.4, 1.5, 3.4, 5.2-5.6, 5.9, 6.8; Appendices No. 1, 2, as well as the terms of the Agreement for the use of the Service, the terms and conditions of the Game, the description of which is available additionally on the Administration's Resources. This provision does not prevent the User from recognizing other violations of the Agreement as significant.
8.11. This Agreement may be amended and / or supplemented by the Administration, incl. in terms of the cost of the Services, at any time during the term of the Agreement. All changes and / or additions are posted by the Administration on the Resources of the Administration and come into force on the day of such placement in the absence of objections from the User, unless otherwise provided by the relevant notice of amendment or addition to the Agreement. The user undertakes to familiarize himself with all changes and / or additions on a daily basis. If there are objections, the User has the right to send a notice to the Administration in the manner provided for in clause 8.7., within 3 calendar days from the date of posting changes and / or additions to the Agreement. In this case, the Agreement is considered terminated by the Parties from the date of receipt by the Administration of the notice from the User. In the event of promotional activities (promotions) during which the User is provided with in-game benefits, this Agreement may be amended and/or supplemented without prior notice to the Users. However, the User reserves the right to send a notice to the Administration to the e-mail address in the manner provided for in clause 8.8. within 3 calendar days from the date of amendment and/or addition of the Agreement. In this case, the Agreement is considered terminated by the Parties from the date of receipt by the Administration of the notice from the User.
8.12. The Administration has the right to terminate this Agreement in the manner provided for in clause 8.10. Agreement, recover damages and completely stop the provision of any Services to the User, in respect of which the fact of fraud with means of payment for the Services has been proven.
8.13. The User has the right to unilaterally refuse to execute the Agreement by notifying the Administration no later than 10 working days before the date of such refusal to the e-mail address [email protected], unless a different period or procedure is provided by the Administration.
8.14. The Parties agree that the Administration has the right to assign the rights and obligations under this Agreement to third parties or entrust third parties with the full or partial provision of the Services. In the event that the Administration cedes its rights and obligations, this agreement shall remain in full force and effect, the rights and obligations of the Administration shall pass to its successor. At the same time, the Administration notifies the Users of this at least one day before such assignment by posting relevant information on the Administration's Resources. This Agreement shall survive such assignment.
8.15. This Agreement is valid for 6 months from the date of entry into force or, if such a date comes earlier, it is valid until the date of termination of the Agreement with the User for the use of the Service. If 5 (five) days before the expiration of the specified period, none of the Parties confirms its termination, this Agreement shall be considered prolonged for the same period. This Agreement is considered terminated by the User from the moment of termination of his rights to use the Client and/or the Client Application.

Contact Information

Email: [email protected]

Application No. 1 to the User Agreement

Game usage rules

1. General Provisions
1.1. The description and instructions for using the Game, as well as the Rules of the Game Process, are posted on the Administration's Resources.
1.2. The elements of the Game located on the Administration Resources are:
1) data, information;
2) results of intellectual activity, incl. photographic images, graphics, drawings, works in visual, audio and/or audiovisual or other form;
3) means of individualization, incl. trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, etc.;
4) software.
1.3. The language of communication when using the Game service: Russian / translit / English.

2. Subject of the Rules
2.1. This document establishes the Rules, only under which the User has the right to use the Services in order to participate in the Game Process.

3. Additional terms
3.1. The possibility of using test versions of the software (in particular, the operating system) and/or test equipment for using the Services is not provided.
3.2. The Administration does not guarantee that the Game software is error-free or will function uninterrupted.
3.3. These Rules may be amended by the Administration in the manner prescribed by the Agreement.
3.4. The Administration does not return game valuables lost due to the loss of access to the account by the User. However, the Administration may, at its discretion, return the game valuables lost by the User in cases of an error, failure, hacking or other malfunction of the server software.
3.5. The administration does not exchange game values ​​for real money.
3.6. In accordance with the terms of these Rules, the Administration provides the User with the opportunity to use the Service around the clock, except for the time of maintenance work and the occurrence of other circumstances that prevent the User from accessing the Game.
3.7. Services are not provided in the presence of at least one of the following circumstances:
1) inaccurate Registration Data has been provided, the Registration Data has not been provided, or the validity of the Registration Data raises reasonable doubts on the part of the Administration,
2) this Agreement, the Agreement for the use of the Service has been terminated, the license for the use of the Client has been revoked, the provision of the Services has been suspended in accordance with the Agreement.

4. Rights and obligations of the User
4.1. The User has the right to use the Game exclusively for non-commercial personal purposes in accordance with these Rules.
4.2. When going through the Registration Procedure, the User chooses a Login, Password, which will allow the User to be identified among other Users of the Game. The User is obliged to provide the Administration with reliable Registration data, including (but not limited to): Login, Password, e-mail address, last name, first name, patronymic, mobile phone number, location region.
4.3. At the request of the Administration, the User is obliged to provide other reliable information about himself that allows to identify the owner of the Personal Account and / or Account.
If the grounds arise, the User undertakes to immediately make changes to the Registration Data.
4.4. When creating a Login and a character name, the User undertakes not to use as a Login and a character name or their parts of a symbol (combination of characters), designations:
1) calling for racial, national, religious, social, political hatred, as well as having pornographic content or violating generally recognized norms of morality and morality;
2) containing information of an advertising nature, as well as means of individualization of third parties, names, surnames, patronymics of other persons;
3) containing the results of intellectual activity of third parties, whose consent to the use of such results as a Login and / or character name has not been received by an individual.
In addition, the User undertakes not to use numbers and letters repeated more than twice (this restriction applies only to creating a character name).
4.5. The User is entitled to use only one User Account. The creation and use of more than one User Account is not allowed and is a material breach of the Agreement. No User data, including mobile phone number, can be used in other Accounts. If such use is detected (if this fact was not established at the time of registration of the Account), the Administration has the right to block (delete) all Accounts that use identical mandatory Registration Data.
4.6. The User has the right to create no more than 8 characters to participate in the gameplay, related to one Account.
4.7. The User is obliged to independently ensure the non-disclosure (secret) of his Login, Password and other necessary data and, accordingly, is responsible for the non-storage and disclosure of these data, as well as all risks (losses) associated with this. The User has the right to change the Password.
4.8. The User can send claims and suggestions related to the use of the Game in the manner prescribed by the Agreement.
4.9. If the User, in connection with the Game Process, needs to interact with a representative of the Administration, he is obliged to make sure that he enters into legal relations with an authorized representative of the Administration.
4.10. It is forbidden to use software that emulates the presence of a player in the Game, replacing the standard Client - accepted by the administration as the base one, or disrupting the normal functioning of the server software, or other software that interacts with the Client or Server software and is not approved by the Administration.
4.11. The User is not entitled to assign his rights and obligations under the Agreement to third parties either on a reimbursable or free of charge basis (including temporarily granting access to his Account and/or Personal Account to third parties). The use of the User Account by other persons, in addition to the User himself, the Registration Information about which was provided during the Registration procedure, is not allowed and is a material violation of the Agreement.
4.12. Any rights of the User related to the Game, game advantages, in-game items cannot be received or provided (transferred) by the User in exchange for money or other material equivalent, except for cases of interaction between the User and the Administration.
4.13. The User undertakes to carefully read the description of such services posted on the Administration's Resources before purchasing the services (if applicable).

Application №2 to the User Agreement

Rules for Participation in the Game Process

1. General Provisions
1.1. Last Chaos is a free-to-play multiplayer role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by the Korean company Barunson Games. The game takes place in the fictional world of Iris, which, after the confrontation of the gods, plunged into chaos and devastation. The user takes part in the game by controlling his character. All participants in the Game process act as certain characters of the Game, come into contact with each other, simulating a virtual, fairy-tale community and its life with playing epic battles, climactic battles, battles, battles, the goals of which are conquest, victory over an opponent, capture of "trophies ”, increasing combat skills, abilities, exalting your character over the characters of other participants. Each User (character) can prove himself by realizing his gambling passion. Characters have the opportunity to develop (level up, learn new skills, find and use new equipment), join Guilds, and participate in battles with characters. Experience points are awarded for destroying enemies. The experience points gained are used to improve the skills and abilities of the character. The game does not provide for cash winnings, prizes, payouts and receiving material rewards in any form.
1.2. The gameplay of Last Chaos is conceived and proceeds according to the general scenario determined by the developer of the Game, Barunson Games, Republic of Korea.
1.3. All basic indicators, coefficients, percentages (including chances) are determined by the Game developer and are classified information.
1.4. There are the following types of interactions in the Game:
1) the interaction of the Game Character with Non-Player Characters (NPCs) serving for dialogue interaction (getting tasks, buying items, etc.);
2) the interaction of the Game Character with Non-Player Characters (NPCs) serving for combat interaction (various types of monsters);
3) interaction of the Game Character with other Game Characters (trading, battles, participation in a group, etc.);
4) interaction of the Game Character with the elements of the Game World (collecting resources, creating items using skills, equipping the character with items, the character's inventory, etc.).
1.5. Examples of normal interactions with Non-Player Characters (NPCs) serving as dialogue interactions within a scenario:
1) The NPC shows the Game Character only those dialogues that are programmatically linked to this NPC;
2) The NPC only sells items that are programmed by the developer;
3) NPC performs only those actions that are programmatically bound to this NPC;
4) The NPC issues quests limited by level or other elements (class, race, etc.) only to Game Characters that meet these requirements.
1.6. Examples of normal interaction with Non-Player Characters (NPCs) serving for combat interaction within a scenario:
1) the ability to attack NPCs exists only if there is a direct line of sight (no obstacles blocking the attack);
2) The NPC goes into an aggressive status and attacks the Game Character in response to his actions (in the case of joining a group, one of the characters of the group can be attacked if all members of the group act aggressively);
3) as a result of the destruction of the NPC, the Game Characters can receive items only from the set defined programmatically for this NPC;
4) as a result of the destruction of NPCs, Game Characters can receive the amount of game experience determined by the program for this NPC, taking into account various coefficients (difference in levels, participation in a group, etc.).

2. Rights and obligations of the Administration
2.1. The Administration is not responsible to the User for the actions of other Users in the game.
2.2. The Administration has the right to apply sanctions to the User up to the refusal to use the Game in case of violation of the terms of these Rules.
2.3. The administration of the game service does not return game values ​​(items, game currency) lost due to the loss of access to the account by the User.
2.4. The Administration does not return game valuables (items, game currency) lost as a result of the User's actions, including accidental sale, transfer to the wrong addressee, etc.
2.5. The administration of the gaming service may, at its discretion, return the game values ​​lost by the User only in cases of an error, failure, hacking or other malfunction of the server software.
2.6. As part of the work process, representatives of the Administration have the right to take actions to change the location of the character in the Game (teleportation).
2.7. The administration has the right to withdraw items and game currency from the character if they were obtained in violation of these Rules or were used in actions involving violation of these Rules.
2.8. The Administration has the right to apply the following sanctions to the User for violation of these Rules:
1) in case of a minor violation that does not affect the game process - from a warning to blocking the character for up to 7 days in case of repeated violations;
2) in case of a violation of moderate severity that affects the gameplay or contains the receipt of benefits - from blocking a character for 1 day to an indefinite blocking of a character, accompanied by blocking the Account for up to 3 days in case of repeated violations;
3) in case of a serious violation (hacking, use of programs that give advantages, duplication (cloning) of things using errors, etc.) - from permanent blocking of the character to termination of the agreement and termination of the User's access to the Game.
2.9. The Administration has the right to supplement and / or change these Rules without prior notice.

3. Rights and obligations of the User
3.1. The User does not have the right to sell, transfer to third parties in any other form in-game property, except for the transfer and / or sale of such property during the gameplay.
3.2. The user has no right to intentionally use errors in the game software. Intentional, in any case, is the use of software errors without notifying the Administration about the detected error and the need to correct the error and its consequences, or if this error was used more than once by the User. The first and single use of an error without gaining a game advantage (items, experience points, etc.) can be recognized as not intentional, provided that the Administration is notified of the discovery of an error in accordance with clause 3.3.
3.3. The User is obliged to immediately notify the Administration about the discovery of an error in the game software by sending a message to the Support Service.
3.4. The user does not have the right to interfere with the program code of the game, intercept and modify game traffic between the server and the client.
3.5. The User undertakes to respectfully and correctly treat other Users and the Game Administration, namely:
1) do not use profanity in the game chat;
2) not to threaten violence and physical harm to other users or representatives of the administration in the game chat;
3) not distribute in any way materials that promote, or express rejection or hatred for any religion, culture, race, nation, people, language, politics, ideology or social movement within the game;
4) not directly or indirectly advertise porn sites, drugs, malware and viruses, resources containing such information, as well as perform other similar actions during the game process and in the game chat.
3.6. The user is prohibited from using terminology in the names and titles of game characters, implying that the game character/game guild is endowed with administrative functions or pretending to be a trustee of the Game Service Administration.
3.7. The User is prohibited from disseminating information that does not correspond to reality (rumors, slander) about the game service of the Game, the Administration and employees of the service and other Users of the game service in the game chat and during the game.
3.8. When communicating in the game through chat services, it is prohibited to send a message containing the same text continuously more than 3 times.
3.9. The User is prohibited from using game values ​​and / or game advantages that he received as a result of violation by third parties (Users) of clause 3.12 of these Rules.
3.10. The user is prohibited from creating and/or being a member of gaming legions based on racist, chauvinistic, reactionary, anti-religious principles.
3.11. The user is prohibited from creating game characters, game guilds with offensive and/or provocative names.
3.12. The user does not have the right to directly or indirectly distribute information about third-party software in the game chat.
3.13. The User must independently verify the correctness of game transactions with other Users in the Game, including during direct trading operations, forwarding using the mail system built into the Game, and so on.